
Welcome to the Kim Research Group @ POSTECH

Our research focuses on fundamental and applied investigations of soft matters (emphasis on liquid crystals).  We seek to understand intermolecular / interparticle / interfacial phenomena in soft materials to provide insights into the design of new class of responsive materials (smart materials) that will find applications in a variety of field, including Drug delivery/release, Sensors, Actuator (Micro-machine), Microfluidics, and Molecular/colloidal self-assembly.

If you are interested in joining our lab, please feel free to contact Prof. Young-Ki Kim

본 연구실에서는 첨단 연성물질 개발 및 특성 분석을 연구할 대학원생 및 박사후 연구원을 모집하고 있습니다.
관심 있는 학생 및 연구원은 주저 마시고 언제든지 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

Young-Ki Kim
Associated Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Email : ykkim@postech.ac.kr
Tel : +82-54-279-2267


2024.12 Jun-Hyung Im was awarded the Best PAPER Award at the 31st International Display Workshops

2024.11 Kwang-Suk Oh was awarded the Best POSTER Award at 15th Korea-Japan Symposium on Materials and Interfaces

2024.11 Jun Hyung Im was awarded the BEST PAPER AWARD at Department of Chemical Engineering, POSTECH

2024.11 Daeseop Choi was awarded the BEST DISCUSSION AWARD at 한국액정학술대회, The Korea Information Display Society

2024.10 Seoyeon Park was awarded the BEST POSTER AWARD at 2024 KIChE Fall Meeting

2024.08 Jun-Hyung Im was awarded the KIDS AWARDS GOLD at The 24th International Meeting on Information Display

2024.05 Jun-Hyung Im was awarded the BEST ORAL PRESENTATION at 2024 KIChE Spring Meeting

2024.04 Daeseop Choi was awarded the BEST ORAL PRESENTATION at 2024 The Polymer Society of Korea Annual Spring Meeting

2024.04 Kwang-Suk Oh was awarded the BEST ORAL PRESENTATION at 2024 The Polymer Society of Korea Annual Spring Meeting

2024.04 Jingang Choi was awarded the BEST ORAL PRESENTATION at 2024 The Polymer Society of Korea Annual Spring Meeting

2024.01 Jisu Shin was awarded the BEST POSTER PRESENTATION at 24th 한국액정학술대회, The Korea Information Display Society

2024.01 Jun-Hyung Im was awarded the BEST DISCUSSION AWARD at 24th 한국액정학술대회, The Korea Information Display Society

2023.08 Jun-Hyung Im was awarded the KIDS AWARDS GOLD at The 23rd International Meeting on Information Display